@@ alpha-customs.com

Customs services

By choosing a partner in the field of customs clearance services you take an important step towards future development of your business. Customs agent services make an integral part of the foreign trade activity support. Alpha Broker is ready to handle all the customs procedures with due efficiency using our vast experience gained during cooperation with Russian and international companies, as well as with customs authorities.

Alpha Broker LLC is glad to offer the full range of services associated with foreign trade activity support, including logistics planning and customs clearance of imported and exported goods. Our representatives work in different customs offices in the number of regions of the Russian Federation as well as Central Excise Custom’s posts and Temporary Storage Warehouses.

Representatives of Alpha Broker LLC work with customs authorities throughout Russia and will be able to provide you with full range of customs brokerage services in every port and customs post of St.Petersburg and North-Western region as well as in Vladivostok and other cities in Russia.

Foreign trade consultations:

  • Conclusion of foreign trade contracts
  • Practical application of Russian customs legislation

Preparation and approval of documents for customs clearance:

  • Verification of documents’ correctness and integrity
  • Determination of customs codes in accordance with the Customs Union’s Goods Classifier for Foreign Economic Activity

Registration of Foreign Trade Companies in Customs authorities

Customs value estimation and calculation of customs duties